Greetings from Costa Rica,
This month we are trying to choose carefully what we focus on and devote time to just those things. This intentional focus has streamlined our life and given us the ability to complete many tasks.
Our schools goal is to teach English and promote education so when Kevin came to Cornelio and said he wanted to take English classes but could not pay for them Cornelio said he could do some work for him in trade for classes. Kevin is so grateful for the opportunity to be able to work in trade for English classes. This teaches work ethic as well as being able to open doors of opportunity for the future.
Over the past few years there have been several youth, who know some English, that mom has been keeping track of and encouraging through FB. When they have a test or concern they ask her to pray for them. One of these youth went away to college, made several poor choices and felt she would be harshly judged so she did not want to return to church. She felt she let her family, herself and God down. When mom returned from the states she invited this young girl to go on a walk. They talked about God’s love and the reason Jesus died for us and it was his sacrifice that make us able to enter the thrown of grace. We are all royalty. God desires to receive our hearts and praises to Him. No sin is too big for God to forgive. They talked, walked and prayed. This girl, repented of her sins, choose to not return to them and to ask God to forgive her. God’s peace filled her heart and she accepted God’s forgiveness and was able to forgive her self also. The true repentance and the decision to not return to the sinful choices gave such a wonderful peace and freedom.
Walking back home they made up a cheer with hand motions and joyful shouts.
“I am a daughter of the Most High King! Oh Ya….. I am a daughter of the Most High King … Oh Ya! I am forgiven, I am redeemed and I am free. Oh Ya….” They kept this cheer up while walking and declaring this new freedom.
I have returned back to part time work teaching at the school. We are so overjoyed to be parents. Mekhi is now 4 months and 15 pounds. He just got his first hair cut to even out his bald patches and
he has been drooling so teeth will be coming in soon. Everything is fun and new for us all!
Just being available God uses everyday situations to help and encourage the people in our life. We appreciate your continued prayer support and encouragement.
God Bless You,
Cornelio, Cailene, Mekhi and Bonnie