One of the young men on Cornelio's soccer team got an blood infection and was in the hospital for a month and at the age of 22 died! This was such a shock to the community. Cornelio helped the soccer team to rally and all wear their uniforms to the funeral. Many of them stayed with the family all night and slept on the floor just to surround the family with love and prayers. The team captain said a prayer and all the players signed his jersey and it was put in the coffin. Lots of tears and reevaluating what if that was me..... this lead to many deep conversations and some changes in life choices. God uses each situation as a tool to understand that there is so much more to life than just living for ones self.
This lady's husband left her to be with another woman, leaving her a single mom with no income to pay electricity bill. Bonnie and a friend bought supplies to make bread and showed her how to make the bread and sell it. She and her son were able to pay the electricity bill and have supplies to make lots more bread. This helped her get through a tough time and also gave her tools to earn some money and teach her son a work ethic.
Kids day in Costa Rica is a big deal. Just like Mothers Day is in the states. In our school we dressed up like clowns and played games to celebrate.
Now Mekhi has learned how to turn on the keyboard and enjoys playing by himself. He is so much fun. At the end of the month he will be two years old.
In my teen girls group we have been rotating the leadership so each girls gets a turn sharing and giving the lesson. The past gathering it was the youngest girls turn and she talked about respect. We all gave our perspective on how we need to respect (not necessarily agree) other peoples' choices and beliefs and that way we can be the light of Jesus in our actions and words. We also talked about respecting others (mostly authority) even if they didn't respect us. I am so grateful and amazed at how God has been changing these girls' hearts and how they have softened and are willing to change and act and react in a positive manner.
In my teen girls group we have been rotating the leadership so each girls gets a turn sharing and giving the lesson. The past gathering it was the youngest girls turn and she talked about respect. We all gave our perspective on how we need to respect (not necessarily agree) other peoples' choices and beliefs and that way we can be the light of Jesus in our actions and words. We also talked about respecting others (mostly authority) even if they didn't respect us. I am so grateful and amazed at how God has been changing these girls' hearts and how they have softened and are willing to change and act and react in a positive manner.