Saturday, February 22, 2014

Random acts of kindness.

Lately God has put on my heart to go above and beyond the norm and to look for opportunities that he gives us daily. Last week there was an elderly lady limping her way back home with a heavy load of groceries.  I offered to carry her things home and after we arrived at her house she invited me in. When I saw her old run down little house I asked if  she lived alone. We chatted about 30 min.  She was a widow who just needed company and some encouragement to hang on to her faith and a reminder of Jesus’ love.
Mom helping YWAM missions group 

Cornelio helping a man off the street 

Jorge is in his 60’s and has been helping us off and on. Many people won’t give him work because he is half crippled and has a drinking problem. But after we hired him to help with the apartment, Cornelio said if he come on time everyday that we would feed him breakfast and lunch along with his pay. He came to work everyday on time and sober.  He use to beg for coffee and sugar when we passed by on the road .One day he brought a bag of lemons from his tree and asked if we could trade them for a bag sugar. He not only learned work ethic, but also the value of  being resourceful.  

Cornelio saved a little piggy on our walk back home the other day. It came out of nowhere and was being bitten and chased by 2 dogs. After Cornelio calmed it down he took the abandoned piglet home with us. Logan and Cornleio made him a little house and we are hoping to get more pigs to raise with him.
These were just good reminders for me to go out and do the random acts of kindness. Even the smallest things are important to God. When we make the extra effort, God blesses our lives and the lives of others!

Proverbs 3:3 Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.

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